
  • Background of the project
  • Overview of DataTypes
  • What's new
  • Demonstrations
  • Where to find documentation and download
  • Any questions?

What is uComponents?

  • uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components for Umbraco

What are uComponents?

Data types

XSLT extensions

UI modules - drag-n-drop / keyboard shortcuts

404 handlers

Server controls - RenderTemplate

uComponents usage

  • The most popular Umbraco package

  • 35,000+ downloads on Our Umbraco
  • 10,000+ downloads on CodePlex
  • 900+ downloads on NuGet

  • 60 downloads per day

uComponents that are now part of Umbraco

  • Multi-Node Tree Picker (MNTP)
  • Multiple Textstring
  • Slider
  • XPath CheckBoxList, XPath DropDownList
  • uQuery

  • Based on community feedback, more popular uComponents could be added to Umbraco; e.g. Url Picker

Overview of DataTypes

uComponents update

  • Cleaned up the code and project structure
  • Retired legacy components
  • Ongoing compatiblity with Umbraco releases

New features

  • Razor Model Binding - working towards strongly-typed properties
  • XSLT Macro Engine
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" Language="xslt" FileLocation="~/xslt/Navigation.xslt" />
  • New DataTypes - coming in v5.1
    • SQL AutoComplete
    • SQL DropDownList
    • XPath AutoComplete

When will v5.1 be released?

Right now

Ready to download from CodePlex

New DataTypes demonstration

SQL AutoComplete / SQL DropDownList


Where to download?

Any questions?